I saw a YouTube video yesterday,
Another success story from a copywriter who hit 10k months.
But this one was different…
Her blonde hair flowing like a shampoo commercial…
Perfect smile that could sell toothpaste…
That kind of effortless beauty that makes you forget your own name for a minute...
Not gonna lie, I thought I was in love.
Until I read the comments...
"She's only successful because she's pretty"
"Must be nice being attractive"
"Easy mode when you look like that"
The same tired excuses from bitter keyboard warriors who can't face their own mediocrity.
Yeah, an attractive profile picture might get your message opened faster.
That perfectly styled Instagram photo probably gets more engagement than my coffee stained desk shots.
Want to know something though?
No amount of pretty will write converting copy…
No amount of pretty will handle difficult clients…
No amount of pretty will generate ROI...
When was the last time a business owner said,
"Wow, your bone structure is amazing! Here's my marketing budget!"?
Because running a successful copywriting business isn't a beauty pageant.
I'd take an "ugly" copywriter who gets results over a supermodel who can't write a headline any day of the week.
Think Megan Fox could write copy that converts?
Think being photogenic pays the bills?
(Yes, I’m aware Onlyfans exists)
Think looking good replaces actually being good?
But it swings both ways...
A well-groomed man in a fitted suit will probably get more responses than someone with Cheeto dust in their neckbeard.
This isn't about pretty privilege.
It's about presentation.
It's about professionalism.
While you're sitting there complaining about pretty privilege, that "pretty" copywriter is studying their craft, building their portfolio, and delivering results.
Your copy either converts or it doesn't.
Your results either speak or they don't.
No amount of good looks will save bad copy.
The only privilege that matters is having clients who trust you with their business.
And that comes from being damn good at what you do.
- Callan